LGBT+ Architecture & Construction resources


Architects Benevolent Society

Provides a wide range of help to architects, assistants, technologists, technicians, landscape architects - and their families – in times of need, for issues such as illness, accident, redundancy, unemployment, bereavement or other personal difficulties.


Architects' Mental Wellbeing Toolkit

Toolkit developed by the Architects' Mental Wellbeing Forum with advice for individuals and practices and links to further resources.


Building Equality UK

An alliance of construction consultants, engineers, developers, contractors, and institutions who are passionate about working together and harnessing our collective power to drive LGBT+ inclusion in the construction industry.



A leading and unique networking forum for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender real estate professionals working within the real estate sector.


Inter Engineering

An organisation for LGBT+ engineers and allies.


Mayors Supporting Diversity Handbook

A great starting point for supporting diversity within the industry.


Planning Out

Network for LGBT+ planning professionals.


Riba Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Strategy 2019

Strategy document which defines seven areas of action in order to meet the challenges faced in creating a diverse, accessible, and inclusive architecture profession.



Wider LGBT+ organisations


Albert Kennedy Trust

An LGBT+ youth charity working to prevent homelessness, rough sleeping and sofa surfing.



A resource for family and friends of LGBT+ people.



A support service for LGBT+ domestic abuse, hate crimes and sexual violence.


Mindline Trans+

Mental health support for trans, non-binary, gender fluid, agender and gender questioning people.



UK charity for the prevention of young suicide.


Peter Tatchell Foundation

The Peter Tatchell Foundation seeks to promote and protect the human rights of individuals, communities and nations, in the UK and internationally.



A charity which campaigns for the equality of lesbian, gay, bi and trans people across Britain.



A hotline for LGBT+ people in the UK for nearly 50 years, with phone, web chat and email services


Terence Higgins Trust

HIV and STI support and information from the UK's leading sexual health charity.


Funding and Scholarships

Architects Benevolent Society

Information about redundancy rights. Access to monthly financial grants, housing advice (especially for those facing homelessness), and mental health support.


RIBA Scholarships

Wide range of scholarships for students and practitioners of Architecture at different career levels.


RIBA Student support fund

Fund specifically aimed at supporting Part 1 and 2 architectural students who require financial support.



Pink Media



UK-based gay lifestyle magazine.



Europe's leading magazine for lesbian and bisexual women.


Gay Star News

News website focused on LGBT+ issues.


Gay Times

UK-based monthly LGBT+ media brand.


Pink News

Online LGBT+ newspaper.


Other Useful Resources & Links

Black Artists Grant

Monthly £500 awards to Uk-based black artists

Black Females In Architecture

Black Females In Architecture is a network and enterprise founded to increase the visibility of black and black mixed heritage females within architectural industry and other built environment fields.


BREAK / / LINE is a project by and for those who oppose the trespass of capital, the indifference towards inequality and the myriad frontiers of oppression present in architectural education and practice today.

POoR Collective

Power Out of Restriction (POoR) Collective is a social enterprise which aims to focus on the development of communities within the built environment.

VPN Mentor

As experts in the field of cybersecurity, VPN Mentor have published a guide providing the LGBTQ+ community with practical strategies for coping with adversity, bigotry, and abuse on the web.


According to research conducted by Healthline, the LGBTQ+ community are up to five times as likely to experience substance use disorder than heterosexual people. ATMC have assembled a plethora of resources available to help those within the community, and their friends and family, to seek appropriate treatment.

If there are any other resources that we haven’t mentioned which you think would be useful, please contact us here!